Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Christopher Hitchens vs William Lane Craig Debate

If somebody thinks that Christian faith is illogical or irrational and that so called new atheism is logical and rational, I recommend you to watch this video Christopher Hitchens vs William Lane Craig - Does God Exist.

William Lane Craig is a famous Christian apologist. Christopher Hitchens is one of the four prominent writers of the new atheism.

Craig presented five very logical arguments for faith in God. Hitchens was unable to refute any of them. Neither was he able to present any valid argument for atheism.

Another one of the four prominent writer of the new atheism, Richard Dawkins, refused to debate with Craig. Probably, he refused because his friend Hitchens lost the debate with Craig.

Watch this video for yourself and make your own conclusions.


  1. No wonder Dawkins won't debate Craig. Doesn't surprise me at all now.
    Hitchens was good, but at the end, Craig pushed him to the point of admitting agnosticism.

  2. I think it is interesting to compare this debate with Craig vs. Antony Flew debate that took place 10 or 11 years earlier ( Basically, Craig used the same arguments in both debates, and so Hitchens had a long time to prepare. Also, I believe that Flew behaved much better than Hitchens at his debate with Craig.
